- The Korean War Project is a Non-Profit Corporation devoted to the study of the Korean War.www.koreanwar.org/html/nk_travelogue.html
- Photos from the DPRK, April 1998 These photographs were taken by Tim Beal during a two-week visit to north Korea. Others will be scanned and added as time permits. Tim Beal, Interpreter Pak Il Sim, Trevor Harvey Street scene, Pyongyang Kim Il Sung University People queuing to pay respect to statue of Kim Il Sung on eve of his birthday Street scene, Pyongyang Giant apartment blocks, little ...www.vuw.ac.nz/~caplabtb/dprkphoto.html
- North Korea - The Country At Pyongyang's Mansudae Hill, a line of street cleaners who look more like housewives (which, of course, they actually double as), armed with straw brooms, march stooped over like a bad ensemble at Pasadena's DooDah Parade. Like a 17th-century Zamboni machine, they clear what little dust has accumulated on the walkway in front of the Korean Revolution Museum before a ...www.comebackalive.com/df/dplaces/northkor/intro.htm
- www.stat.ualberta.ca/people/schmu/panmunjom.htm