- www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/korea/story/leader/kim.dae.jung
- PRESIDENT KIM DAE JUNG June 9, 1998 The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Transcript Kim Dae Jung, President of South Korea, arrived in Washington to meet with President Clinton and speak before a joint session of Congress. Following a background report, Jim Lehrer speaks with President Kim about his country's relations with North Korea and the current Asian economic crisis. A RealAudio version of this ...www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/asia/jan-june98/kim_6-9.html
- Global Reporting Network Publications Seven Challenges of Kim Dae Jung Global Beat Issue Brief No. 27 February 23, 1998 By Richard Halloran Copyright 1998* When the new president of South Korea, Kim Dae Jung, is sworn in on February 25, he will be confronted with seven daunting challenges that comprise the most formidable trial for his nation since its liberation from Japan in 1945. This will be ...www.nyu.edu/globalbeat/pubs/ib27.html
- 1998. Ladies and gentlemen. I want to talk to you today about new challenges for the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia and the role of the Republic of Korea and the United States.asiasociety.org/speeches/kim.html