Information on the Bobcat.
All about the Bobcat , its scientific names, common names, description, behavior, range, habitats and life cycle.
Bobcat Lynx rufus Body Length(mm) -720-980 Weight (kg) - 11-14 (male) Litter Size - 1-2 average Life Span - no data Status - Least Concern L.r.baileyi - Southwestern States L.r.californicus - California, Nevada L.r.escuinapae - Central Mexico L.r.fasciatus - British Columbia L.r.floridanus - Southeastern States L.r.gigas - Maine L.r.pallescens - Rocky Mountains L.r.peninularis - Baja California, ...
Animal tracks, and natural history information for the bobcat - Felis rufus.
Bobcat (Felis rufus or Lynx rufus) Bobcat Kitten Adult Bobcat WHAT DO BOBCATS LOOK LIKE Bobcats are about 2 feet tall and weigh 20 pounds. They are bigger than a house cat, but they are too small to hunt and eat people. They are usually light brown to reddish brown. Their fur is spotted when they are babies, but the spots fade when they grow up. Bobcats have very short tails, only three to ...
Project Wildlife: San Diego County Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation.