- World LYNX home page: resource information on Eurasian Lynx, Lynx lynx, European Lynx, Spanish Lynx, Lynx Iberico, Iberian Lynx, Lynx pardina, Lynx pardeli, Canada Lynx, Lynx canadensis, North American Lynx, Felidae, Lynx sardiniae, endangered species, ...lynx.uio.no/jon/lynx/lynxhome.htm
- Biology, ecology, habitat, and status of rare, threatened and endangered species of mammals and information on their native countries: biodiversity, ecosystems, population, and land use ...www.animalinfo.org/species/carnivor/lynxpard.htm
- Spanish Lynx Felis lynx pardina time capsule: THE RED BOOK Wildlife in Danger The study of fossils and animal history tells us that the handsome lynx was distributed in latest Pleistocene (or Ice Age) times all over the forests of the northern world, from Britain and Ireland in the west of Europe to Newfoundland in eastern North America. It was contemporary with New Stone Age man in Britain and ...lynx.uio.no/jon/lynx/pardel-lynx.html
- Information about Siberian lynx. Our Siberian lynx Boris and Natasha ...webpages.charter.net/sbratcher/fav2.htm