- American Mink Mustela vison This aquatic member of the weasel family is found throughout most of northern North America and the most commercially valuable fur-bearer. Large males may reach a total length of 60 cm. As adults they are bold, ferocious, and virtually untameable, but if they are captured as kittens they are playful and can become attached to the person who cares for them. The mink is ...www.nature.ca/notebooks/english/ammink.htm
- The Mammals of Texas - Online Edition Mink Order Carnivora : Family Mustelidae : Mustela vison Schreber Description. A weasel-like carnivore about the size of a house cat and semiaquatic in habit; general color dark chocolate brown, darkest on back, and nearly black on feet and end of tail; underparts paler than back, with considerable white on midline from chin to vent; neck long, head hardly ...www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/mustviso.htm