- Wasp, Bee, and Hornet stings and bites can cause allergic reactions. Information and advice on wasp sting, bee sting, hornet sting treatments and cures.insectstings.co.uk
- Find out whether subjecting yourself to bee stings can help ease the pain of arthritis, tendonitis, and other ailments, as well as whether it's a safe alternative therapy.www.ahealthyme.com/topic/beevenom
- Overview of bee stings ...www.umm.edu/non_trauma/bee.htm
- UC guidelines for Bee and Wasp Stings. (Published: 2/98) ...www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7449.html
- About Bee and Wasp Stings The following is adapted from Wasp Stings, Bee and Pest Notes, Publication 7449, February 1998, produced by IPM Education and Publications, UC Statewide IPM Project, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8620. Nearly everyone has been stung by an insect at one time or another. It is an unpleasant experience that people hope not to repeat, but for most people the ...www.wvu.edu/~agexten/wildlife/bees.htm