- Dental Amalgams@ (3)
- The overall objective of the Mercury Cycling in the Everglades Nutrient Removal (ENR) Areas project is to provide resource managers scientific information on the hydrologic, biologic, and geochemical processes controlling mercury cycling in the Everglades.sofia.usgs.gov/projects/evergl_merc
- Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance ...www.moea.state.mn.us/berc/mercury.cfm
- What is Mercury Poisoning Mercury poisoning is the ill effects on humans nervous system and other bodily systems due to the over-exposure of mercury. Mercury is a neurotoxin, meaning it affects the nervous system. The mad hatters of the 19th century suffered from mercury poisoning which caused personality changes, nervousness, trembling, and even dementia. The hatters were exposed to mercury in ...danpatch.ecn.purdue.edu/~epados/mercbuild/src/poison.htm