American Association for Cancer Research represents 15, 000 laboratory and clinical scientists engaged in basic, translational and clinical cancer research in the United States and more than 60 other countries. AACR's mission is to prevent and cure cancer.
2002 Annual Mtg, Dec 14-18, SF Advance Registration General Info, Program & Forms Late Abstract Site Opens Aug 19 Statement by 40 Nobel Laureates Regarding Cloning Get information on the 2002 ASCB Summer Ubiquitin Meeting to be held in Colorado Springs, CO The ASCB launches new Job Board. Free CV postings for society members. WICB publishes new career book, Career Advice for Life Scientists.
The Society For Biomaterials is a professional society which promotes advances in all phases of materials research and development by encouragement of cooperative educational programs, clinical applications, and professional standards in the biomaterials field. Society For Biomaterials - 13355 Tenth Avenue North, Suite 108 - Minneapolis, MN 55441-5510 +1 (763) 543-0908 Telephone - +1 (763) ...
The Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB) was founded in 1946 as the Tissue Culture Association to foster exchange of knowledge of in vitro biology of cells, tissues and organs from both plant and animals (including humans). The focus is on biological research, development, and applications of significance to science and society. The mission is accomplished through the Society's publications; ...
The ESACT promotes exchange of scientific knowledge and communication between investigators by organising meetings and publications ...
Welcome welcome oframes ...
ISAC provides a forum for exchanging information related to the utilization of analytical cytology methods (embracing components of cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, physiology and instrument development) in clinical research, medicine and laboratory practice.
The Cell Death Society Next International Meeting May 31-June 2 2002, Noosa Lakes Australia (See announcement) Meeting schedule posted May 7 Accepted abstracts listed (April 23 2002) Everyone needs a visa SEE VISA INFO AUSTRALIANS: TAX NUMBERS NOW AVAILABLE --SEE MESSAGE ARTICLE ON NOOSA, VISA INFO, OTHER LINKS TO JOIN THE SOCIETY: GO TO THIS LINK NEXT NYC MEETING SEE BELOW (February 6, 2002 ...
ELSO ...
The Angiogenesis Foundation is providing patients and their families with up-to-date, expert, and practical information about new angiogenesis medicines for many diseases.
ASCT is a professional organization whose goal it is to enhance the role of Cytotechnologists in the health care system. It seeks to stimulate communication and cooperation among those engaged in cytology and other related health care professions. ASCT works to inform members of current legislation and legal issues pertaining to cytotechnology and related fields.
SECURE AREA New as of July 25 2002: the minutes of the ACTIP meeting in Amsterdam!!! LIBRARY Welcome to the ACTIP web site Secure Area New as of July 25 2002 on the secure page: the minutes of the ACTIP meeting in Amsterdam!!! ACTIP is an informal forum of European companies with activities in animal cell technology. If you want to know who we are, what we do and what our aims are, then visit ...
ESACP Secretariat, Executive Committee, Council, Constitution, Membership, Meetings, Courses, History, ACP Journal, Consensus Documents, Abstracts, Newsletters ...
The Society for Histochemistry is an international association of scientists which was founded in 1952. Membership of the Society is open to scientists of all countries. The Society organizes annual scientific symposia, sponsors the Robert-Feulgen Lecture and awards the Robert-Feulgen Prize. The official journal of the Society is Histochemistry and Cell Biology Find out more about the ...
International Cell Research Organization Organisation Internationale de Recherche sur la Cellule Mission | Training Courses: 2002 | Participant Registration Form | Organizer Application Form | Reports | Links | Executive Committee The Executive Committee of the INTERNATIONAL CELL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION (ICRO) is happy to welcome you on this site. We hope that it will be useful to you and that, ...