The Lindsay Museum is a wildlife rehabilitation and educational center that focuses on native California wildlife and natural history for live, non-releasable native wildlife in Walnut Creek, California, that was founded in 1955, the Museum is the oldest and one of the largest wildlife rehabilitation hospitals in the United States, treating more than 6, 000 injured or orphaned wild animals each ...
P.O. Box 1071 Knoxville, TN 37901-1071 Phone# (865)974-7126 Fax# (865)974-4714 Email Receive Information By Mail Calendar of Events Imagine What Could Be The Mission of the University of Tennessee Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries is to advance the science, management, and appreciation of natural resources in Tennessee, the region, and beyond through programs in ...
Welcome ! Faculty and students in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife acquire, integrate, and disseminate knowledge about fish and wildlife at all levels of biological organization. We focus on resource systems influenced by human activities. Our goal is to provide people with the knowledge needed to make wise decisions on issues of conservation, sustainable use, and ecosystem restoration.
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