Petsville is an online community of pet enthusiasts and animal care professionals specializing in pet care, rescue and adoption.
The web site for everybody who cares about animals and their welfare. Directory of animal rescue sites in the UK. Homes wanted and offered ...
pet adoption, rescue, and lost & found resources from 100s of animal shelters, humane societies, and SPCAs, including photos of dogs, cats and other animals that need to be adopted right away!
Through the Hobo Foundation seeks to assist pet adoptions in order to reduce the number of pets that are euthanized at shelters.
The Humane Society and Animal Welfare Ring Homepage If you work with an animal welfare organization of some type that has a homepage on the WWW, we want you! We're interested in adding rescue organizations, animal shelters, humane societies, and other animal welfare organizations to our ring. Individuals who think this ring is a really neat idea but who don't have anything to do with humane ...