- Amateur and Ham Radio@ (2)
- Aquariums@ (1)
- Astronomy@ (15)
- Birding@ (6)
- Collecting (12)
- Crafts@ (20)
- Events (2)
- Games@ (16)
- Gardening@ (11)
- Genealogy@ (24)
- Handwriting Analysis@ (2)
- Juggling@ (2)
- Magic@ (5)
- Models (2)
- Photography@ (41)
- Pottery@ (5)
- Puppetry@ (4)
- Rockets (1)
- Rocks, Gems, and Minerals (2)
- Shopping and Services@ (30)
- Smoking (7)
- Textiles@ (2)
- Treasure Hunting (1)
- Writing@ (15)
- Canada's free web magazine on minerals, fossils and the earth sciences.www.canadianrockhound.com
- Hobby Show delivers an average of 25, 000 visitors year after year after year. Canada's Largest Hobby/Craft Consumer and Trade Show ...www.thehobbyshow.com
- Steam-Era - Milton Ontario Steam-Era held every year on Labour Day weekend at the Milton Fairgrounds.www.steam-era.com
- The Northern Prospectors Association, dedicated to mining and exploration in Canada ...www.northernprospectors.on.ca
- Metal detecting and treasure hunting club, located in Guelph Ontario, Canada ...www.uoguelph.ca/~antoon/rcmc/rcmc.htm
- Calgary Rocketry Association ...www.ucalgary.ca/~dbuhler/cra.htm