- Silver Bay Association YMCA Christian Conference and Training Center 87 Silver Bay Road Silver Bay, NY 12874-9708 Tel (518) 543-8833 Fax (518) 543-6733 Mission Statement - The Silver Bay Association, founded in 1902 as a YMCA Christian Conference and Training Center, provides an inspirational setting and quality services for conferences and members, encourages spiritual, mental, and physical ...silverbay.org
- The St. Lawrence Freemason an Electronic Newspaper Updated 06/03/02 You are visitor number 8101 since August 24, 2000, when a new counter was installed Welcome to our website. Since these pages will be continously updated, we recommend that you BOOKMARK our location, and return often to check up on us. Naturally, we will try to label all material to make your search easier. Our goal is to ...www.northnet.org/stlawmason