Turing's Treatise on Enigma page contains Alan Turing's detailed cryptanalytical analysis of the Enigma Machine written while he was employed as a cryptanalyst at Bletchley Park.
CRYPTO MACHINES Welcome to the Crypto Machines page. Since I have a keen interest in the machines which encrypted and decrypted secret or confidential communications, I decided to feature a number of them which are specific to my particular pursuits. Any content contribution to this page would be encouraged, acknowledged and appreciated. Every effort has been made to ensure that the material ...
The Enigma cipher machine Tony Sale's Codes and Ciphers The Enigma cipher machine These pages give an introduction to substitution ciphers and then go on to explain exactly how the Enigma machine worked and how it was used. At present the pages are as follows: 1. Substitution ciphers and the principle of the Enigma with a detailed example illustrating how the Enigma enciphers letters. 2. The ...
The U-boat Net is one the most comprehensive military and history sites on the Net. Dealing with the U-boat War 1939-1945 through over 15, 000 pages and covering all German U-boats in the war and over 153 of the most decorated officers and personalities.
The Enigma machine Background: The German Enigma is surely the best known of the WW2 cipher machines used by either side in the conflict. Invented in 1918, it was developed as both a commercial and military encipherment system before and during the war. Enigma is an electro-mechanical device that utilizes a stepping wheel system to 'scramble' a plaintext message to produce ciphertext via ...
Dabbling in the Cryptographic World--A Story This note tells the story of some work that I was involved with, but to which I was not a primary contributor. For reasons that should become clear, the people most involved have not gone public with their results. Still, it is one of the more interesting things I've done and seen. The central events occurred around 1977. Jim Reeds reminds me that the ...
CSP-1500 CSP-1500 Showing M-209 style carrying case, cipher machine, small tube containing ink pads, screwdriver, tweezers, and small tube containing oil. The tubes and tools all fit inside the top cover. CSP-1500 showing the top cover and inner cover opened. DESCRIPTION OF CSP-1500 a.k.a. M-209: The CSP-1500 (M-209 in the Army) is a portable, hand-operated, tape-printing mechanical device ...
Learning about The Enigma Machine and other examples of Cryptography and Mathematics This web site is based on the course The Enigma Machine , that was offered during Winter semester 1998 at Grand Valley State University. On this site is information about the history and mathematics of the Enigma machine, along with other applications of cryptography. The pages below were created by Edward ...