- Commercial@ (6)
- WinOrbit: Satellite Tracking Welcome to the WinOrbit Home Page, offering free software and other information for the satellite enthusiast. This page is devoted to satellite orbit prediction, tracking, and radio communication, with emphasis on low-cost and educational approaches for the do-it-yourselfer or hobbyist. Topics on this page: What are Satellite Orbital Prediction and Satellite ...www.sat-net.com/winorbit
- Satellite tracking and decay information 2002 May 6: I am again including the elsets for classified objects in my all-satellite satbase.zip file. The exceptions are elsets for Lacrosse and Keyhole satellites. Index What is SatEvo SatEvo decay predictions Current elements Elsets for 8, 000+ objects, available only as large zipped file: satbase.zip All decay list objects: dklist.tle (dklist.zip) ...www.wingar.demon.co.uk/satevo