- Research (1)
- June 16, 2002 go Advanced Search TODAY'S NEWS EXPLORE ASK THE EXPERTS QUICK POLL FEATURE ARTICLES EXHIBITS INTERVIEWS TECHBIZ NANOTECHNOLOGY CURRENT ISSUE UPCOMING ISSUE PAST ISSUES ASK THE EXPERTS Current Questions What is synesthesia Why do clouds float when they have tons of water in them How do GPS devices work What causes leg cramps Have a Question Send it in. Questions By Subject: ...www.sciam.com/askexpert_directory.cfm
- Description of C60 and related materials in plain English.www.mindspring.com/~kimall/Fuller
- siggy.chem.ucla.edu
- Site of the Day, on the New Scientist Planet Science site, October 13, 1996. To view the molecular models embedded in this page, you must install the Chime Netscape/Internet Explorer/Cyberdog plug-in. You can also view the molecules in VRML if you have an appropriate plug-in such as Live3D. See also the latest in spiral nanotubes . Buckminsterfullerene, C60 Buckminsterfullerene - C60 (left) and ...www.ch.ic.ac.uk/motm/c60.html