- Welcome to the Homepage of our working group at the Institute for Meteorology of the University of Leipzig! You are visitor number We deal with the research on upper middle atmosphere winds and tides over Central Europe obtained from radio measurements in the low frequency range (socalled D1 method) and will report here about our work. Upper Middle Atmosphere Wind Research in Leipzig Main ...www.uni-leipzig.de/~gasse/geo/index.html
- The Solar Mesosphere Explorer SME Nitric Oxide Data SME Nitric Oxide Data Summaries SME Nitric Oxide Database You are the 4119th person to visit this site since May 29, 1997. ...lasp.colorado.edu/sme
- Mission Studies the Composition of Earth's Middle Atmosphere Dirk Offermann and Robert R. Conway Dirk Offermann, Physics Dept., University of Wuppertal, 42097 Wuppertal, Germany; and Robert R. Conway, Naval Research Labora- tory, Washington, DC 20375 Remote sensing of the middle atmosphere from Earth orbit has provided a wealth of two- and three-dimensional images over the last 15 years.www.crista.uni-wuppertal.de/papers/eos/eospaper.html