- By the year 2050, develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world soccer champion team. - Enter RoboCup 2002 June 19th - June 25th, 2002 @ Fukuoka, Japan / Busan, Korea ...www.robocup.org
- The official website for the 4th RoboCup world championships We recommend internet explorer 4 or above please set screen resolution to 800 x 600 pixels robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 robocup robocup2000 ...www.robocup2000.org