- Informs Online (3)
- INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) information on operations research and the management sciences ...www.informs.org
- MIT, Operations Research Center 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Bldg. E40-149, Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: (617) 253-3601 Fax: (617) 258-9214 Codirectors: Cynthia Barnhart James B. Orlin Letters to Prospective Students from Current Students General Info - History, The Program, Life at the ORC Admission - Procedure, GRE/TOEFL, Entering from MIT, MIT Bulletin, Coordinator Academics - General Requirements, ...web.mit.edu/orc/www
- www.or.ncsu.edu
- OR/MS Today, the online version of the membership magazine of INFORMS, covers topics pertaining to the professional and academic Operations Research and Management Science communities.lionhrtpub.com/ORMS.html
- Sprache / Language -------------------- Deutsch English English Deutsch Last update: October 22, 2001 / Webmaster ...www.unizh.ch/ior
- www.okstate.edu/osu_orgs/info-o