Waterloo Maple is a world leader in mathematical and analytical software.
The Symbolic Computation Group is a research group within the School of Computer Science in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. SCG is affiliated with the Ontario Research Centre in Computer Algebra, ORCCA The co-directors are Keith Geddes and George Labahn. SCG has as its primary goal the research and development of algorithms for computer ...
Maple at MIT Home Page. Maple on Athena; where to find documentation, training, and help; other resources.
CLIFFORD ver. 4 is a Maple V Rel. 5 package for computations in Clifford algebras of an arbitrary bilinear form ...
MAPLE stuff page for David Joyner. Contains MAPLE programs, mostly of a mathematical recreations nature, though there are some group theory, representation theory and Lie algebra programs as well.