- Sokurov's Dni zatmeniia if full of ambiguous images. What sort of film is it .www.ce-review.org/00/3/kinoeye3_horton.html
- Aleksandr Sokurov, Russia's foremost contemporary director, on the web.www.ce-review.org/00/3/kinoeye3_links.html
- Nick Cave reviews the film Mother and Son by Aleksandr Sokurov.home.iae.nl/users/maes/cave/disc/sunday.html
- I have left for last the most powerful alienating effect on nature, Sokurov's use of special distorting lenses and mirrors that give the image an oblique, quivering feel. It is a unique form of distortion, one that has had many viewers baffled. When ...www.horschamp.qc.ca/9809/offscreen_reviews/sokurov.html