Jewish Magazine, Jewish Authors, Jewish Articles, Israel News, Jewish humor, mysticism, torah ...
From Jewish Social Studies Volume 5, Number 3 Theodor Herzl's Diaries as a Bildungsroman Shlomo Avineri Permission to Copy You may download, save, or print for your personal use without permission. If you wish to disseminate the electronic article, or to produce multiple copies for classroom or educational use, please request permission from: Copyright Clearance Center Professional Relations ...
Theodore Herzl 1860 - 1904 Adapted by Dr.Nurit Reshef from material created and published by Dr. Yigal Donyets and Eta Yudin for the Joint Authority for Jewish Zionist Education in Canada When Theodor Herzl was young he was avery happy child and a good student. He lovedlistening to tales and stories. Here is a short story about Herzl: His grandmother once told him about a boy who saw Elijah the ...