- Dinos & Jake Chapman Maia Damianovic: Do you see your representation of anatomical transgression as a singularly provocative prosthetics of the Self Dinos & Jake Chapman: Singularity is a superstition left over from monotheism: unitary God - unitary Man. In our experience, anatomical transgression usually elicits laughter which, if convulsive enough, can kill singularity or, at least, choke it ...www.jca-online.com/chapman.html
- LAAT......... Dinos & Jake Chapman Or, at least, we are disenfranchised aristocrats, under siege from our feudal heritage. The graphic promise of our absent, but nevertheless sonorous letraset, honours the dead (and the bad conscience) of past generations, a recollection of the discordance between concepts and pictures. Our discourse offers a benevolent contingency of concepts, a discourse of ...www.vpro.nl/data/laat/materiaal/chapman-bros-interview.shtml