- Black Beauty (4)
- Anna Sewell Electronic Books Online.www.classicbookshelf.com/library/Sewell
- Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. Hypertext and eBooks available for download.www.literatureproject.com/book/sewell/black-beauty/index.htm
- Black Beauty The Autobiography of a Horse ...www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/youth/adventure/BlackBeauty/Chap0.html
- Who Was Black Beauty Was he a real horse, of a fictional character by Margaret Bennett Anna Sewell's story of Black Beauty is one of the most famous and best loved books of all time. But who was Black Beauty To answer this question, we must look back to the time in which the fictional horse, Black Beauty, lived. Anna Sewell's classic tale of 1877 was set in Victorian England. Due to a leg ...www.horse-canada.com/html/articles/HPblackbeau08.00.htm