The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Genetics Berlin is a non-profit research institute of the Max-Planck-Society for the Advancement of Sciences, focussing on research in the fields of molecular genetics, like molecular mechanisms of the desoxyribonukleinacid-(DNA)-replication, the recombination, the proteinbiosynthesis and the ribosomen structure.
The CooleyLab studies oogenesis, actin dynamics, apoptosis, myosins, Arps using the awesome power of fly genetics. Our site features images, protocols, current and past lab members, publications, and many useful links.
Learning How Cells Sense the Direction of Chemotactic Gradients Research Members Videos Publications Links Protocols Peter N Devreotes, PhD Professor and Director Department of Cell Biology 725 N Wolfe St., Baltimore MD 21205 Tel 410-955-4699 Fax 410-614-9461 Last modified:03/26/02 ...