- Companies (3)
- Shows (1)
- Songwriters@ (3)
- The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Nova Scotia Current Production Society News Cast Photos of the 2000 Pirates 20th Anniversary Year Society background, aims and links to worldwide G & S resources Past Productions There's lots of good fish in the sea - an article for the Society's journal - the Katisha Scream. RSVP fundraising project Access Statistics This site is currently maintained by ...www.chebucto.ns.ca/Culture/GS-Society/GS-Home.html
- Theatre Ancaster has been providing excellence in community theatre for the past nine years to Ancaster and the surrounding community ...www.theatreancaster.com
- Great resource for musical theatre in Southern Ontario, especially in Hamilton, Ontario ...www.hwcn.org/link/hti
- Six People. Six Lies. One Internet. Copyright 1995 Nobody Knows I'm a Dog is a full-length play about six people who are unable to connect to other people IRL. They find the courage to socialize by joining a singles newsgroup on the Internet, taking comfort in the fact that they won't be seen, though instead of facing what prevents them from connecting, they choose to hide behind lies and ...alandavidperkins.com/nkiad