Walt Disney Pictures' animated adventure 'Tarzan' is an innovative and entertaining exploration of the classic tale by Edgar Rice Burroughs. 'Tarzan' is an adventure that traces the story of a human baby who is orphaned in the African jungle and lovingly raised by a family of apes.
Reviews of the movie Tarzan, starring Tony Goldwyn and Minnie Driver and directed by Chris Buck ...
Information about Disney's next animated feature, Tarzan, including experiences from the Florida studios, images, and news.
Tarzan for children, A-Z primer, colorful learning from comics, cartoons, studio sketches, and posters.
Tarzan Disney's latest foray into animation is certainly a worthy one. It rises to the same heights as Little Mermaid, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and Mulan, while surpassing the more forgettable Pocohantas, Hercules, and Hunchback. Based on Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs, this adaptation is probably the most faithful both in story and in spirit. But this is a Disney movie, so ...