The Los Angeles Conservancy Modern Committee is a volunteer group that was in response to the destruction of Postwar buildings. Their focus is 20th century architecture and related fields which reflect Modernism and popular culture.
The Canberra House profiles significant modern residential architecture in Canberra, Australia's capital. The site also features architect biographies, an explanation of architectural styles and a history of Canberra.
This is the story of the Modern Movement: the story of the men and women who wanted to create a new architecture. For better or worse, these Modernists have changed the British landscape forever. This is how they did it.
A study of modernist architecture in the Finnish city of Viipuri ...
I. G. Farben Building now Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat's Humanities Building... Poelzig-Bau Furstenbergerstra e / Gruneburgplatz Frankfurt am Main, Germany Photos and history of the I. G. Farben Building (now the Poelzig-Bau) in Frankfurt, Germany ...
Archpedia Architecture Encyclopedia, is a comprehensive guide to world famous architects and their architecture.