- Evelyn De Morgan Portrait of Jane Morris 1904 chalks on brown paper laid on canvas De Morgan Foundation BACK ...www.mystudios.com/women/abcde/demorgan_jane.html
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Paintings of Jane Morris Jane Morris was the wife of Rossetti's friend and fellow Pre-Raphaelite William Morris. After the death of Rossetti's wife, Elizabeth Sidal, Rossetti fell passionately and obsessively in love with Jane Morris, using her constantly as the model for his paintings. Jane Morris came to epitomize the Pre-Raphaelite image of woman--very much in ...citd.scar.utoronto.ca/English/ENGB02Y/JaneMorris.html
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) s early as 1853 Rossetti was a visitor to photographic exhibitions. In his later years he used photographs for landscape backgrounds and for posthumous portraits. He was in the habit of having photographic copies made of his pictures. In one instance he even painted over a photograph. The most fruitful product of this interest was the series of photographs of ...libfl.ru/pre-raph/Rossetti.html