This is the right place to find more about Calvin and Hobbes than you've ever seen. Over 200 strips and pictures, info, a quiz, special stuff and more!
Contains Strips, Booklists from around the world, Names of Calvin and Hobbes in other countries, also a list of publishers from around the world. - and then some.
Bart Simpson and Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes) compete to be the first to drive their babysitter, Jan Brady, from the house.
About the ICHE Last Update: April 24, 1998 List of Changes A Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes, The B Binkey Betsy Bullet, Tracer Bun, Mr. C Calvin Calvin and Hobbes (Book) Calvin and Hobbes (Comic) Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book, The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Aniversary Book, The Calvin's Dad Calvin's Mom Cardboard Box Chestnut, Tommy D ...
Never heard of Calvin and Hobbes Shame on you! And no, they aren't some weird philosphers, they're a weird 7-year old kid, Calvin, and his 'homicidal psycho jungle-cat', Hobbes as featured in a great comic strip by Bill Watterson for 11 whole years. Hobbes is a stuffed toy tiger (or not) and is also Calvin's best friend - they have lots of adventures together and make some pretty insightful ...