- PQ ANGELS Welcome to the homepage dedicated to the new series by Naoko Takeuchi, PQ Angels! Takeuchi-san is the author of the much loved shoujo manga Sailor Moon. It is the story of two aliens, Kyu-ko (pronounced Q-ko) and Pii-ko (pronounced P-ko) who come to live on earth! They are very much the traditional magical girls who can transform into superheroes to battle the baddies! But before they ...members.tripod.com/~saitoh/pq.html
- Hotaru_2's PQ Angels Page This is a story about two girls named P-ko and Q-ko who come from another world, called Fuiren, which is also read gokiburi (cockroach).They go around as cockroaches by kissing their wristbands and transform back into people by landing on someone's mouth.When they fight, they have special guns that shoot out food.The bad guy is JoChuGiku-sama.P-ko and Q-ko seems to like ...members.tripod.com/~Hotaru_2/pq.htm
- FastCounter by LinkExchange By P-Ko and Q-Ko What is PQ Angels Character Profiles Images If you like PQ Angels you will Like..... Links Our Banners how PQ Angels came to be.... Messages Free Webpage Graphics bishoujo senshi sailormoon magicknight rayearth ai tenshi densetsu weddingpeach midi: amazon theme - sailormoon we did not invent PQ Angels, All copyrights apply blah blah blah ^_^ made by ...members.tripod.com/~Kyuuri_Peanut