- Precious Metal Clay, Polymer Clay (FIMO, Sculpey, Premo, Promat, Cernit, Formello, Modello) Gallery and Showcase: Artwork by Linda Bernstein, Milly Pheeory's Clay Shoppe. Vessels, Boxes, Bowls, Judiaca, Jewelry, Keychains, and more.www.artique.org
- Luminous surfaces, subtle sophisticated color and elegant forms in limited edition and one-of-a-kind art jewelry and sculpture ...www.elisewinters.com
- Polymerclay gallery of Finnish polymerclay artis PoRRo Sahlberg. Large Galleries of items made from polymerclay. ///Taiteilija PoRRo Sahlbergin galleria. Koruja, koriste-esineita. Materiaalina on kaytetty paaosin askartelumassaa.www.saunalahti.fi/theporro