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- An in-depth analysis of the development of the comic drama in Athens and Rome.www.theatrehistory.com/ancient/comedy001.html
- Meet the Mothers of Modern Drama and the Plays they Wrote... (Clockwise from upper left) Hasegawa Shigure, Wavering Traces (1911) Japan Marie Leneru, Woman Triumphant (1914) France Marita Bonner, The Purple Flower (1928) U.S.A. Elizabeth Robins, Votes for Women (1907) England Djuna Barnes, The Dove (1923) U.S.A. Amelia Rosselli, Her Soul (1901) Italy Hella Wuolijoki, Hulda Juurakko (1937) ...www-english.tamu.edu/pers/fac/kelly/mod-drama