- Andromaque (2)
- Racine, Jean. Bartleby.com ...www.bartleby.com/people/Racine-J.html
- A summary of Racine's tragedy 'Andromaque.' ...www.theatrehistory.com/french/andromaque001.html
- BACKGROUND FOR RACINE S ANDROMAQUE: 1. In organizing a banquet on Mt. Olympus, the gods and goddesses fail to invite Eris, Goddess of Discord. Displeased, Eris appears unexpectedly at the banquet and hurls a golden apple down the table in front of the astonished guests before leaving. The apple is found to bear the inscription TO THE FAIREST. Aphrodite (Venus), Pallas Athena (Minerva), and Queen ...www.unc.edu/~fwvogler/fren40/summer/RACINE1.html