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Hello everybody, I no longer want Ben Stein. I still read lots of Lovecraft, with touches of Palahniuk and other contemporaries sprinkled throughoutI became utterly bored with the content of the original site. So now Im making a new one J dont worry, Ill have the comix and goodies and such easily available, but Im going to be making this page so much better than it was before. Please be patient ...
Browse the Best of RHF: General Jokes 96-present | Yes, Virginia, there is a Cthulhu (aurienne) (chuckle) ************************************************************************ Dear Editor- I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Great Cthulhu. Papa says, If you see it on Alt.Horror.Cthulhu, it's so, Please tell me the truth, is there a Great Cthulhu who ...