- General News, Rumors, and Info about QUEEN OF SWORDS Here is the general news, rumors, and info about what to expect. CONSIDER THIS A WARNING! As the news and rumors come and go, I will just add a line on top so that the most current is always on top. I will keep the old ones as long as I can just so the history buffs can have fun tracing history! Last update: 08-24-01 News and Rumors Where to ...www.whoosh.org/epguide/queen/general.html
- Welcome to Godiva's webpage for Fireworks is taking advanced orders for a videotape set of the entire Queen of Swords season. They need a minimum of 750 advanced orders in order to make it economically feasible to produce a commercial set of tapes. They are not asking for money up front or a credit card number. Only your name and e-mail address. Go here and order in advance. Do it today! The ...www.kompound.com/queenofswords