Text-only home page Classics Greek, Latin, Archaeology Papyri Duke Data Bank English Renaissance Shakespeare, Marlowe, ... London Bolles Collection California Upper Midwest Chesapeake Library of Congress Tufts History Since 1852 Boyle Papers History of Science Home site: Somerville, MA Mirror sites: Berlin, Germany Oxford, England A graph of the places and dates mentioned in this collection New ...
Mythography explores mythology and art, from the myths of the ancient Greeks and Romans to the legends of the Celts ...
The major modern and contemporary visual artists and art, each artist with portrait, biography and links to resources with artworks, articles, books, posters and modern art prints.
This is the Fogg Museum's Investigating the Renaissance web site ...
Ask About Antiques.com. The Internets newest Antique and Art Reference and Research Database Center.
Water Works Watercolor Gallery ...
Links Contributors Artist Projects & Profiles This site is intended to explore the contemporary visual arts in galleries as well as the other places that visual art is produced and shown. Several of the pages document a specific body of work or conceptual aspect of an artist's production over a period of time. Various techniques or social approaches to art production are covered in other ...
Description of a rare paleolithical zooanthropomorphic representation , Vesima, Liguria, Italia, in parallelism with a two-faced zooanthropomorphic sculpure of ancient Mexico, Xochicalco. ...