Welcome to the comp.speech Frequently Asked Questions WWW site. This site provides a range of information on speech technology, including speech synthesis, speech recognition, speech coding, and related material. The information is regularly posted to the comp.speech newsgroup as the comp.speech FAQ posting. This site is mirrored at several other WWW sites around the world (Australia, UK, Japan ...
International company conducting high-end software project management, development (DSP: fax modems, data modems, telephony, speech/audio processing; GPS; ASIC; 3D recognition) and licensing.
Torch Library.
Diplomarbeit von Torsten Berger Aufbau einer schnurlosen Verbindung zum PC und Erstellung eines Programmes zur Kommunikation ohne Monitor. Fachhochschule Wiesbaden Betreuer: Herr Prof. Dr. Gerd Kuveler Einfuhrung - Wie funktioniert computerbasierende Spracherkennung - Projektubersicht - Vor- und Nachteile - Wieso gerade diese Diplomarbeit Hard- und Software Voraussetzungen - Schnurlose ...
VOICEBOX: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB Introduction VOICEBOX is a speech processing toolbox consists of MATLAB routines that are maintained by and mostly written by Mike Brookes, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BT, UK. Several of the routines require MATLAB V5. The routines are available as a compressed tar file or as a ...