17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium April 22 -April 26, 2003 Nice, France WHAT IS IPDPS IPDPS is an international forum for engineers and scientists from around the world to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel computation. In addition to technical sessions of submitted paper presentations, the meeting offers workshops, tutorials, an ...
HiPC is an international forum to present current work by researchers from around the world as well as highlight activities in Asia in the high performance computing area.
IEEE/ACM CCGrid: International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid ...
Sponsored by the ACM in cooperation with SIGPLAN, SIGARCH, SIGACT. Sponsored by the IFIP in cooperation with WG 10.3. This is the official Web site of the Euro-Par conference series. The original document is located at www.Euro-Par.org. Euro-Par Mission Statement Euro-Par is an annual series of international conferences dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel ...
SIAM conducts several specialized conferences, short courses, and workshops, as well as the SIAM Annual Meeting. SIAM conferences focus on timely topics in applied and computational mathematics and provide a place for members and the entire applied mathematics and computation community to exchange ideas and to meet with and expand their network of colleagues. ...
HPCN 2001 High Performance Computing and Networking 2001 ...
This site contains information on the Global Grid Forum Conference in Amsterdam, March 4-9, 2001 ...
HPCN 2000 High Performance Computing and Networking 2000 ...
Parallel Computing 2001 4 - 7 September 2001 News Items Call For Papers Enquiry Form Registration Form Conference Program Committees Conference Location Your Stay in Naples Information for Authors Recent conferences ParCo99 ParCo97 ParCo95 VENUE : Center for Research on Parallel Computing & Super-computers (CPS) - CNR 4 - 7 September 2001 Complesso Universitario Monte S. Angelo, Ed. T Via Cintia ...
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques OCTOBER 12-16, 1999 Newport Beach, California USA ...
HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND NETWORKING '99 The Premier Conference and Exhibition in the field of Advanced Solutions for Industry, Research and Education based on Workstations, Servers, High-Performance Systems and Networking Technology. RAI Conference Center Amsterdam 12-13-14 April 1999 8.30-18.00 hours Registration starts at 8.00 on April 12, 1999 HPCN Europe '99 The 7th International ...
EuroPVM/MPI - 2002 Platinum Sponsors 9th EuroPVM/MPI Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria September, 29th-October 02nd, 2002 EuroPVM/MPI The 9th EuroPVM/MPI conference will be jointly organized with the 4th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS) at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Participants of the two events will share invited talks, tutorials, vendor ...
HPCS2002 ...
PC-NOW 2000: International Workshop on Personal Computer based Networks Of Workstations Next: Scope in conjunction with IPDPS 2000 Cancun, Mexico May 5, 2000 sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC) URL: http://www.dgs.monash.edu.au/~rajkumar/tfcc/ (Australia) or http://www.dcs.port.ac.uk/~mab/tfcc/ (UK) Scope Topics of Interest Program Committee Papers ...
A flag-ship annual conference series of the IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing ...
PPOPP 99 ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming Conference Program is now available! The ACM SIGPLAN 1999 Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, May 4--6, 1999 as part of the Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC'99) . The goal of the PPoPP Symposia is to provide a forum for papers on the principles ...
WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS: Mohammed J. Zaki Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (zaki@cs.rpi.edu ) Vipin Kumar University of Minnesota (kumar@cs.umn.edu) David Skillicorn Queens University, Canada (skill@cs.queensu.ca) PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Philip Chan, Florida Institute of Technology David Cheung, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University Alex A. Freitas, PUC-PR (Pontifical ...
CALL FOR PAPER The 3rd Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications (HPSECA-01) http://www.stfx.ca/people/lyang/activities/icpp01-hpseca.html http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~panda/icpp01/workshops.html Valencia, Spain September 03-07, 2001 in conjunction with 2001 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING (ICPP-2001) Advance Program Registration and ...
CALL FOR PAPER The 2nd W orkshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications (PDSECA-01) http://www.stfx.ca/people/lyang/activities/ipdps01-pdseca.html Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, San Francisco April 23-27, 2001 in conjunction with The 15th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2001) http://www.ipdps.org/ipdps2001 Scope ...
The 14th Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications Follow the Hotlinks Around the Logo If you are student or a postoctoral fellow, this may be of interest to you: travel grants for students Please follow this link to sign up for the HPCS2000 mailing list to be informed of new information as it is updated on the webpage. June 14-16, 2000 University of ...
HLPP2001 ...
A Portrait of Purdue WOMPAT 2001 Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana July 30th-31st, 2001 Workshop Program Online Proceedings Pictures of WOMPAT 20001 Important Dates June 24: Early registration and Hotel reservation July 30-31, 2001: WOMPAT 2001 Workshop Workshop Theme OpenMP has emerged as the standard for shared memory parallel programming. For ...
PC-NOW '99: International Workshop on Personal Computer based Networks Of Workstations Next: Scope in conjunction with IPPS/SPDP 1999 San Juan, Puerto Rico April 16, 1999 Scope Topics of Interest Program Committee Papers Submission and Review Process Calendar Announcement and Call for Papers plain ASCII text form PostScript form for A4 size paper (270 KBytes) GZIPed PostScript form for A4 size ...
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing in Image Processing, Video Processing, and Multimedia (PDIVM'2002) held in conjunction with Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US, Monday, April 15th, 2002 Workshop organizers Sethuraman Panchanathan Arizona State University, USA Andreas Uhl Salzburg University, Austria Program Proceedings Accepted papers have been published by IEEE CS Press on the IPDPS ...
Fourth International Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming : Theory and Applications FMPPTA'99 : Modeling and proving In conjunction with Second Merged Symposium IPPS/SPDP 1999 13th International Parallel Processing Symposium & 10th Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing April 12 - April 16, 1999 Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society ...
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering is dedicated to advancing the scientific research and engineering applications of optics, photonics, imaging, and optoelectronics through meetings, education programs, and publications.
7th WORKSHOP ON JOB SCHEDULING STRATEGIES FOR PARALLEL PROCESSING In Conjunction with SIGMETRICS 2001 University Park Hotel at MIT, Cambridge, MA June 16, 2001 Workshop organizers: Dror Feitelson, The Hebrew University Larry Rudolph, MIT Program Comittee: Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin Steve Chapin, Syracuse University Allen Downey, Wellesley College Wolfgang Gentzsch, Sun ...
JPC4 Beowulf and Beyond The Fifth Joint DOE/NASA PC Clustered Computing Conference October 6 - 8, 1999 American Museum of Science and Energy Oak Ridge Tennessee JPC4 (Joint PC Clustered Computing Conference) is a conference series sponsored by DOE and NASA to advance the application of low cost scalable cluster systems to satisfy mission driven requirements of these agencies. These meetings are ...
CALL FOR PAPERS (PDCAT'2000) The First International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies ...