- Understanding Peripheral Arterial Disease or PAD. Here you will find information on Plavix , also known as clopidogrel. Left untreated, peripheral arterial disease increases the risk of heart disease, angina, stroke, amputation, or death.www.understandingpad.com
- Peripheral vascular disease information provided by Guidant Corporation.www.guidant.com/condition/pvd/condition.shtml
- A monthly newsletter about evidence-based health care; top source for such information on the net ...www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/band52/b52-4.html
- HOSTILE PERSONALITY LINKED TO ARTERIAL DISEASE A survey conducted in Edinburgh has concluded that hostile personality may be an independent risk factor for chronic peripheral arterial disease in the population at large, but among men in particular. The link between personality and the risk of developing coronary heart disease has been the subject of world-wide research, but this new survey, ...www.cpa.ed.ac.uk/bulletinarchive/1993-1994/09/article_21.html