- Causes of cold sores, fever blisters, and oral herpes lesions.www.animated-teeth.com/cold_sores/t1_cold_sores.htm
- Consumer oriented, comprehensive oral health site. Covers a wide range of dental health topics.www.stevedds.com
- Herpes simplex is commonly referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. It is a viral infection of the skin that may occur once or return again and again. This is because when the virus is cleared from the skin by the immune system it hides in the nerves and is never completely removed from the body. Herpes infections are very common. It is estimated that nine out of ten people have been exposed ...www.skinsite.com/info_herpes_simplex.htm
- Canker sores - what are they and how can they be treated ...rxinsider.com/monographs/canker_sores.htm
- Doctors' Answers to Frequently Asked Questions -Cold Sores These comments are made for the purpose of discussion and should NOT be used as recommendations for or against therapies or other treatments. An individual patient is always advised to consult their own physician. Cold Sores Relief Question: I take Zovirax now and then to help against cold sores. It no longer seems to be helping and was ...www.druginfonet.com/faq/faqcsore.htm