- The High Country Inn is located in downtown Whitehorse, Yukon. Recent renovations in 2010, have made the rooms stylish and modern.www.highcountryinn.yk.ca
- One of the best places to stay in Whitehorse under the northern lights. Located in downtown, this is a full service hotel with lounge, spa, fitness centre, and wireless internet.www.goldrushinn.com
- A virtual reality panorama of the pool at Takhini Hot Springs, near Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada. Part of the Virtual Guidebook to the Northern Yukon.www.virtualguidebooks.com/Yukon/NorthYukon/KlondikeHighway/TakhiniHotSprings.html
- A weekly illustrated column about environmental issues and research, from Canada's Yukon ...www.taiga.net/yourYukon/col114.html