With fiscal year 1999 funding of approximately $8 million for prostate cancer activities, CDC is working to clarify issues related to early detection. In the absence of scientific consensus on the effectiveness of prostate cancer screening in reducing deaths, state public health agencies face a significant challenge in determining how best to meet the public's need for and interest in prostate cancer information.
Loma Linda University's Proton Treatment Center: Protons improve physicians' ability to treat cancer and some benign disorders more effectively with radiation.
Prostate Health provides consumers or patients with an up-to-date educational experience on prostate conditions, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.
Prostate.com is your source of information on prostate diseases such as prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostatitis. Learn about prostate disease symptoms and treatments, such as Lupron Depot for prostate cancer.
Internet's largest directory of prostate health news, resources and information.
Men's health and fitness site concerning penis enlargement, prostate performance and better sex ...
Benign prostatic hyperplasia known commonly as prostate enlargement affects essentially all men at some point as they age.
Click to cross between nutrient and disease associations, scientific research information not just marketing hype. Includes nutrient, lifestyle, and medical options and precautions. Also complete products at 30% off retail.
The prostate is a muscular, walnut-sized gland that surrounds part of the urethra, the tube that transports urine and sperm out of the body. A part of the male reproductive system, the prostate secretes seminal fluid, a milky substance that combines with sperm produced in the testicles to form semen. The two main benign diseases of the prostate are prostatitis and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ...
Hyperplasia of prostate, also known as prostatic hyperplasia, is a very common disease that occurs in old male patients. Generally, this disease is considered to be associated with the disturbance of sexual hormaones. The main manifestations are uroschesis and difficulty of urination. It belongs to the category of ...
ProstateFirst is a clinic with a mission to keep prostates healthy. If Prostate health is lost, half of the men over the age of forty visiting this site, will eventually have a diseased prostate and one in five will get cancer. Figures not to be taken lightly.