- Can ketamine prevent fentanyl-induced analgesiaopioids.com/fentanyl/fentket.html
- Ketamine: what does it dowww.biopsychiatry.com/ketamine.htm
- Differential psychopathology and neurotransmitter systems in the ketamine and psilocybin model of schizophrenia studied in vivo in man using positron emission tomography (PET) Vollenweider F.X., Leenders K.L., Scharfetter C. and Hell D. (SNF 32-40900.94) Collaboration with Prof. Dr. D. Vonderschmitt, Chem. Inst. University Hospital of Zurich and Prof. I. Oye, Pharm. Inst. University of Oslo ...www.bli.unizh.ch/BLI/Projects/PET/K252.html