- Libyan Cuisine and Recipes Cuscus: Cuscus bil-Bosla Cuscus bil-Khodra Cuscus bil-ghiddeed Cuscus bil-hoot Ruzz: Ruzz jaari Ruzz Mbauakh Ruzz Mohammas Ruzz bil-khaloot Makli-yaat: Batata Mbattina Kronb mbattan Kufta Kuftat-hoot Tabahij Ejjat kausa Ejjat prooklo Ejjat sabanikh Dajaj maghli Laham maghli Tawajeen: Osbaan Dolma mshakkila Braak Tajeen dajaj Tajeen hoot Tajeen laham fil-forn Fakhthat ...ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dr_ibrahim_ighneiwa/food.htm
- www.libyana.org/food
- Eat and sleep- Libya As hotels are more strict on the official exchange rates than most others, accommodations in Libya can become very expensive. You could probably forget expensive hotels, which will quickly set you back more than US$100 a night. Cheaper hotels are very cheap if you pay with dinars obtained from the black market, but not overly expensive even at official rates. Tripoli is the ...i-cias.com/m.s/libya/z7.htm
- Robin Garr's World of Creative Cookery features hundreds of original recipes and intelligent discussion of good food, good wine and how they work together.www.wine-lovers-page.com/food/libya.shtml