Adoption touches so many of us, in some way or another. I've included my story, links, photos, and much more.
ABORN CO FOUNDER GEN GOADS PERSONAL WEBPAGE Thursday Nov 4 1999 GEN'S STORY PUBLISHED IN: The Adrian Missouri Journal ACCESS DENIED By Sharon Kiesel This Aborn Webring Owned by Sally Stewart's Missouri Adoption Email Gen Goad ADOPTEE LOOKING FOR ANSWERS ONLY TO FIND DOORS CLOSED Imagine being diagnosed with a physical problem or disease. You ask your doctor questions. Is it fatal Is it curable
A birth mothers search for her child ...
One adoptee's search and reunion story, and how I learned that even when the road is rocky, there can be peace.
Index to Alexander's Adoption Story During the past 2 years, I have been in search of, and started to reunite with, my birth family. I am adopted; it is a different experience of the world than for someone who has always been around those who look, feel and are psychically connected. Many adoptees describe feeling isolated and rootless. And then the incredible joy when reconnected, sometimes ...
Dylan Schaefer and Justice Schaefer ...
Inspiring Poetry, Birthmothers chat room and stories, Spirit of Christ Award ...
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