- Last updated ....GOOGLE.....DMOZ......world news.....JANE'S..... ANN .....NOTAM AMA charter 465 since 1957 DEDICATED TO RESPONSIBLE R/C FUN SAFETY BY CHOICE NOT BY CHANCE ...........Wednesday August 14 - 7:30 pm meeting at the Salem Church on Bittner Street, just east of the Inner Loop exit at St. Paul Street...... WELCOME TO THE RCCR HOME PAGE - CLICK HERE TO SELECT FROM THE SITE MENU H A N G A ...home.rochester.rr.com/rccr
- Current News: DAY, DATE AND LOCATION CHANGE OF THE MONTHLY RAMS MEETING - Tuesday January 29, 2002 Webster Volunteer Fireman Building. See this month's newsletter for more information, including a map. Don Geldof has made arrangements again this year for use of the Xerox Gym for indoor free flight and RC flying. The gym will be available on the 2nd Saturday of each month from now through April.www.rcplane.com/index.htm
- Last Updated on 07/21/02 You are visitor number Latest update : Added the August Newsletter Web services provided by The Genesee Gateway. Internet services provided by Verio New York. The Genesee Valley Aero Modelers is an R.C. Flying Club located near Honeoye, NY approximately 25 miles south of Rochester. We currently have about 65 members flying from a fifteen acre field overlooking the ...www.gvam.org