- Bird Checklists of the United States Arkansas Key to Symbols Note: Refuges that are indented are administered by another Refuge or are one of several refuges included in a Refuge Complex. Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge -- Manila, AR (Printed 3/86) Buffalo National River -- Harrison, AR (Updated 3/97) Cache River National Wildlife Refuge -- Augusta, AR (Printed 5/96) Bald Knob National ...www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/chekbird/r4/5.htm
- ARKANSAS BREEDING BIRD ATLAS Introduction Sampling Methods Breeding Codes Acknowledgments Blocks Birds Verification Form Links Introduction The Arkansas Audobon Society initiated the Arkansas Breeding Bird Atlas (ABBA) Project in 1994 for the purpose of developing a series of distributional maps for all species of birds that breed within the state. Initial funding of the project came from the ...www.uark.edu/misc/kgsmith/abba.html
- Description, pictures, and guide to the nine hummingbird species that bird-watchers have observed in Arkansas. ...ar_hummingbirds.tripod.com