Sex Jokes and other adult humor content with dirty humor, Sex funnies, and all kinds of adult funny Jokes ...
An online community of women, wives and couples who gather together to strengthen, enable and improve their marriage through helpful writings, message boards and advice columns. Relax and have some fun!
Sharing fun stories about mothers-in-law (and other relatives) that will make you laugh. A great way to relieve family stress and tension! is designed with the belief that we are all allowed to make one very big mistake, and this is your venue to talk about yours - your ex-lover! Vent your spleen, or read other's sad stories, or tales of love gone wrong. To spew, to vent, perchance to date again
Marriage and relationship humor, jokes, cartoons and riddles - funny stuff about being married, having a wife or husband, or being a significant other. (First of several pages.) ...
Want more LoveLogic but are afraid to ask Buy Laurie's latest book: It's Not Me, It's YOU! Click here! Abstract: Girlfriend thinks long-distance relationship is hunky dory... though boyfriend never calls or writes. Abstract: Dumped lover gets all-expenses-paid, New Year's Eve invite... from his ex. Abstract: Miami soul machine finds London matey... on the Internet. Abstract: Absence makes the ...
Politically INcorrect, humor-based site for people and/or others to express their hate (or extreme dislike) of men. This is funny people! Vent your frustrations here. Get your anger toward men out!
Exes Are From Uranus! There are easier things in life than understanding the mind of your ex. Nailing Jell-o to a tree for instance. ~~ Your ex thinks your breakup is bad and good. You're bad and he/she is good. ~~ Courtship - A man pursuing a woman until she catches him Breakup - A man catching a woman until she pursues him ~~ Relationhsips are when a man and woman become as one; the trouble ...
Using simple statistics, I endeavour to prove it impossible to find a girlfriend. Saturday, June 15, 2002 Web Hosting Charges Prompt Site Updates Webmaster Desperate to Get Money's Worth experienced a frantic flurry of activity on Saturday, just minutes after Webmaster Aaron Reid opened his American Express bill to discover a $268.00 charge from Verio web-hosting services. I can't believe it, moaned Aaron. This comes out to about $12 for ...
Daughters-in-law, you are not alone. Become part of a community of women who are having mother-in-law problems just like you. Share your mother-in-law stories, find advice/give advice, chat, plus much more!
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This is some funny shit ...
COACHING COUNSELING FUN STUFF THIS MONTH FAQs CONTACT HOME FUN STUFF This is our play area. I hope you'll find something here that will brighten your day. :) HUMOR Marriage Compatibility Test Pet Compatibility Test Test your Romance IQ BOOK REVIEWS Suggested Reading ARTICLES Time for a Marriage Tune-up Return to top HOME | The Living Room | Relationships | EMDR | Online and Internet | Singles ...
A fun package to send to friends and loved ones ...
They say, they mean, you say, you mean, I say, I mean ...