Butterfly Conservation is a British charity devoted to saving butterflies, moths and their habitats.
Photographs and information about the butterflies of Europe including Tenerife, Morocco, Pyrenees, Brittany, Cyprus, Turkey, Andalucia, Provence, Valais, Switzerland, Alps, UK.
Butterflies of Ireland This site contains a photographic guide to the Butterflies of Ireland. The butterfly species are divided into four groups: Small, Brown, White and Multi-coloured butterflies. There is a section entitled 'General Information' which should be read first, as among other information, it gives details of the format of this guide. Finally, there is a section giving details of ...
PAPILIONIDAE Papilio machaon Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius Scarce swallowtail Zerynthia rumina Spanish festoon Parnassius apollo Apollo Parnassius mnemosyne Clouded apollo PIERIDAE Aporia crategi Black-veined white Pieris brassicae Large white Artogeia rapae Small white Artogeia napi Green-veined white Artogeia bryoniae Mountain green-veined white Pontia ...