- MMRR: Mid-Michigan Rottweiler Rescue. Rottweiler Rescue, Re-Homing and Referral.www.mmrr.org
- An informative Rottweiler site chronicling the lives of their current dogs CH Wright's Kind Juliet VanSach, CH SL's Moonwalker and UKC-CH VanSach's ...www.vansach.com
- www.angelfire.com/in2/derhagen/index.html
- Rottweiler Hope Rescue is dedicated to finding forever homes for rescued rottweilers. We also provide information and education concerning the rottweiler ...www.rottweilerhope.org
- Rottweiler Rescue of Michigan, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to find responsible, loving, life-time homes for rottweilers. ...www.petfinder.com/shelters/MI24.html